Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Janki's unsuccessful/successful paintings

 1. Post a photo of a painting you believe to be successful, and one that you find challenging to appreciate or feel is unsuccessful. Your examples can be from any time in art history. In your post, make sure to include the name of the artist who created the pieces, the title of the painting, and the date it was created. 2. Explain your reasoning and opinion, using specific examples of the formalor visual qualities present in the pieces to help strengthen or justify your opinion. You may want to refer back to the definition you posted last week that outlined the criteria that must exist for a work of art to be considered “good” or successful.
Unsuccessful Painting

Artist: Picasso

I think this painting is unsuccessful because it doesn't please my eye and doesn't seem to have any meaning. A successful painting to me is something that pleases the viewer and has a deeper meaning and message, all of which this painting does not have in my opinion. Picasso is a fabulous painter but this painting in particular doesn't seem to be one of his good works.

Successful painting

Artist: John Constable
Year: 1821

This is a successful painting to me because it pleases my eye and my interest in nature. I believe it reaches the requirements i have for a successful painting because it is a depiction of everyday life at a house in a rural area. This painting is a landscape painting from the romanticism period where nature was valued the most. 

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