Monday, December 7, 2020

Helen Online Progress post



Puppio Reflecction


Kusha - Surrealism

 Surrealism developed as an aftermath of WWI. Dada had a great influence on the development of surrelaism. Surrealistic paintings usually consist of odd objects in odd positions/forms in nature/ everyday places, it can also be just odd shapes that look realistic in weird positions and places, and it can also be many object compiled together to make a larger object. Surrelaism can take both realistic and minimalistic approaches, some artists use flat color and line to make a surrealistic painting while some go into intricate detail and bring their painting to life. One of the key artists of this movement was Salvador Dali, his most famous painting is "The Persistence of Memory" which he painted in 1931. 

"The Persistence of Memory": 

Kusha Final Food Painting


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Pop Art: Sydney

 My art movement (pop art) is known for its bright colors, modern styles, and its repetition of everyday things. The art during this movement was very simple and was made to be easily reproduced. 

The History and Evolution of Pop Art

Crying Girl by Roy Lichtenstein 

"Art doesn't transform. It just plain forms."- Roy Lochtentein

Alexa - Chair Painting Progress

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Janki's Finished Food Painting


Avery Ewing Chair Progress photo


Carina's representative painting

 A quote from Phillip Guston, "Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see."

My movement is the 60s and 70s optical illusions which was all about painting something bright and colorful, that might not be what you think it is and messes with your mind.

Helen Chair progress


Charlee's Food Progress Photo

 It's kind of a mess right now but I decided I'm going to make the girl out of food cutouts because I didn't like how it looked.

Carina's Progress Photo


Charlee - Impressionism

My art movement is known for its use of small brushstrokes. Also, selecting a particular color palette to emanate a feeling in a particular moment. Lighting is a very important emphasis as well.

                        Cliff Walk at Pourville by Claude Monet

"Art is about emotion; if art needs to be explained it is no longer art." -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tori Omiridis- Progress Photo


Avery- Art Nouveau

Princess Hyacinth by Alphonse Mucha 

 Art Nouveau was an art movement during 1890-1910 throughout Europe and the US where artists attempted to create a new style and modernize art from the historical period before. Artists practice the usage of ornamental of lines, flower stalks and flowers, vines, insects, other nature objects, and muted colors. 

Quote from Alphonse Mucha: "Similiarly, the arts of painting, sculpture and architecture, being addressed to the eyes, should fulfill the conditions which are most agreeable to them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Futurism: Janki Patel

The movement I was assigned is Futurism which is a shift from traditional art to an energetic celebration of the machine age. The art portrayed movement and dynamics along with the vibrancy of different colors. Artists incorporated portrayals of urban landscapes as well as new technologies such as trains, cars, and airplanes into their depictions. Some notable artists of this movement are Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, and Gino Severini.

Giacomo Balla's Speeding Automobile

"..there is no longer any beauty except the struggle. Any work of art that lacks a sense of aggression can never be a masterpiece." Filippo Tommaso Marinetti



Fauvism uses bright colors that are typically applied to the canvas directly from the tube. Matisse's art was first shown in 1905 and critics were shocked by the new style. It was compared to "wild beasts." Fauve art generally creates emotion and shocks the audience. 

"I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things." (Henri Matisse)

Post Impressionism

 “Originality depends only on the character of the drawing and the vision peculiar to each artist.”      - George Seurat

The characteristics of the Post-Impressionism movement was to use thick layers of paint, emphasize geometric forms and to distort some shape or form.

Maggie Turner Finished Food Painting


Janki's Progress Photo


Avery Chair Progress Photo

planning on mod podging those pieces on and also adding my own 


Carina's Chair Progress


Helen Chair Progress


Decided to go a different route with the design. 

Sydney’s Chair Progress


Detweiler final