Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Jiang Async #2


Monastery Graveyard In The Snow - Caspar David Friedrich 

        I think a good painting should leave the viewers thinking. This painting constitutes many elements of mystery that leave the viewers contemplating the deep meaning and the back story of the scene it depicts. It raises the question of the relationship between humans and nature and touches on the romantic feeling of inevitable death and oblivion. However, a painting doesn't have to be ominous or creepy to be good. The famous Roccoco painting The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard is quite the complete opposite of the work of Friedrich's. It is bright and cheerful. But it still raises questions and leaves the audience curious about the back story of the scene portrayed in the painting. 


        The Swing - Jean-Honoré Fragonard


  1. This is for sure a successful painting because of the mystery. There are many aspects of this that leave me wondering, making it unique and thoughtful.

  2. I agree, elements of mystery can give paintings unique qualities that can connect the viewer and the painting.


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