Tuesday, March 23, 2021

ASYNC Post-Using the Elements of Art Vocabulary in Discussing/Describing Paintings

 ASYNC Post-Using the Elements of Art Vocabulary in Discussing/Describing Paintings

Due Sunday 3/28 by 8pm

  1. Choose one of your peer’s Food Painting Projects posted to the blog. 

  2. Create a new post titled “(Your Peer’s Name) Food painting-(Your Name) Elements of Art Description”


3. Then, describe the painting using the Elements of Art vocabulary listed below. Make sure to use at least 4 of the “Elements of Art” vocabulary words below, more is better! 

See my example beneath for Wayne Thiebaud’s paintings.




Mrs. Silverman’s example “ASYNC” post for Peer Food painting using Elements of Art Vocabulary:



In Wayne Thiebaud’s “Dessert Tray” painting (1992-1994), the artist creates a sense of texture by applying the paint in thick, directional brush strokes. The object’s edges are reinforced with layered, multi-colored contour lines (evident on the rim of the plate). A sense of space and depth is created by the elliptical shape of the plate, which gives a sense of receding space and a foreshortened effect of the circular plate. Each dessert has a clear sense of three-dimensional form, which is communicated with different values or areas of light and dark on the object’s surface. The different colors and values used on the objects also communicate a strong sense of directional light. Cast shadows from the objects indicate that the light source is coming from the bottom right of the picture plane.

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