Sunday, May 2, 2021

Hu FlipGrid Movie Takeaways

 (Dorothea Tanning) Flipgrid Movie by (Mandy Jiang) Takeaways:

I learned
1. Her career lasted more than 70 years.
2. Her art was largely influenced by her husband, Max Ernest. 
3. Was part of the surrealist movement. 

 (Jean Michel Basquiat) Flipgrid Movie by (Annie Dai) Takeaways:

I learned
1. Attacked power structures and systematic racism with his art. 
2. The crown in his art was used to make the world notice him. (like a mark/signature feature)
3. He created so many pieces that some are not titled or dated. 

 (Vincent van Gogh) Flipgrid Movie by (Gabriella Gildea) Takeaways:

I learned
1. He used the technique impasto.
2. He suffered psychotic episodes. 
3. He committed suicide at age 37. 

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