Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Kusha Successful/Unsuccessful Paintings

 One painting that I believe is successful is "Café Terrace at Night" by Vincent van Gogh, the painting was painted in 1888. I believe that this painting is successful because there is a lot of movement throughout the piece and there is an accentuation on the cafe itself, and overall it is just pleasing to look at. I feel like the little lines that make up the painting draw your eyes towards the cafe and so does the light in the actual cafe.

One painting that I feel is hard to appreciate is "Girl Before a Mirror" by Picasso, the painting was painted in 1932. I feel this painting hard to appreciate because of how much is going on in the painting. Picasso successfully achieved an abstract nature in his painting, but personally, the painting looked too busy in my eyes. It was a little hard to comprehend what was going on, which is kind of the point of abstract paintings, So in a sense, it was successful but unsuccessful for me. 

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