Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Successful and harder to appreciate painting

 Discovery of Borneo cave paintings unveils oldest figurative art — Quartz

Borneo Cave Painting (40,000 years ago) Unknown

I feel that although it is incredible that someone could paint something on a cave 40,000 years ago without  the materials we currently have, this painting is harder to appreciate than other paintings. The painting does not technically incorporate many of the elements and principles of art. However, the painting is still expressive and depicts the culture 40,000 years ago. I do not think the painting is unsuccessful, it might just be harder to appreciate than a more modern painting. 

Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge (y1972-15)

Water Lillies and Japanese Bridge, Claude Monet (1899)

I feel that this painting is very successful and easier to appreciate than the cave painting because the scene of the Lillies and the bridge by itself as a photo could have been a very appealing photo to people. Monet also clearly uses the elements and principles of art to create his painting.

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