Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sydney 's Pop Art

(The piece of art in the left is called Crying Girl by Roy Lichtenstein, 1963.) Pop Art is a style of art that was developed in the mid 20th century, the 1950-1960s. This style involves a lot of color and fun graphics that are supposed to evoke positive emotions to the consumers. The style was recognizable, sometimes ironic, bright, new, and on occasions, involved mixed media. In the late 1940s, WWII was ending, and the world was in odd, postbellum state. Then ten years later in 1955, the Vietnam war--which lasted 20 years--started, then thought the 1960s, the civil rights movement was happening. So durning this time (specifically the 50s), pop art was made to distract people and give them a sense of optimism. It branched off of pop culture and went against the standard ideas of art/painting (modernism). The style was appealing to a lot of people, but especially to the youth. Pop Art looked simple and became mass produced. It was included in news papers, comic strips, and company advertisement.  Some of the most notable pop artist were Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Roy Litchensutein (1923-1997), and Yayoi Kusama (1929).


  1. I love this style of art!!! I think it is very different from mine because yours is very modern and new, although mine at the time was seen as modern from what they had before. I think ours both has a lot of color, although yours is more neon and mine is more pastel.

  2. My art period, impressionism, was before yours during the 1860s-1920s. Our art movements look a lot different from each other because yours is much more futuristic. The similarity between our art movements is that the artists both wanted to convey emotion, yours being optimism and mine being whatever feelings the artist felt.


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