Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Janki's response 10/14

 What makes a “good” or successful painting? AND post a photo of a painting you believe meets your own criteria for “good” or “successful” painting.

    A "good" painting for me is one that is pleasing to your eyes. When I look at paintings I want to capture my attention and blow my mind. I always get excited when I see cool paintings that are so realistic that it is hard to figure out what is a photo and what is a painting. From the color scheme to the theme of the painting, everything has to be unique and different for it to be good because a painting could be good but if it doesn't make someone want to buy it then it is meaningless in my opinion. I consider the paintings below to be "good" paintings because they capture my attention and make me want to understand and explore their meaning and what the painters are trying to portray. Although they are very different in the color scheme and theme, they are both successful paintings due to the fact that they are very appealing.

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