Friday, October 30, 2020

Janki's Futurism

The movement I was assigned is Futurism which is a shift from traditional art to an energetic celebration of the machine age. The art portrayed movement and dynamics along with the vibrancy of different colors. Artists incorporated portrayals of urban landscapes as well as new technologies such as trains, cars, and airplanes into their depictions. Some notable artists of this movement are Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, and Gino Severini. This art movement was from 1909-1916 which is during WW1 and the beginning of the women's rights movement. WW1 was a war fought in Europe and it included England, France, and Russia against Germany, Austria-Hungry, and Ottoman Empire. It was a very big war and led to many conflicts between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. This war lasted from July 28, 1914, and November 11, 1918, which is when this art movement was progressing. Another important event that occurred during this movement is the beginning of the women's rights movement which soon led to women's suffrage in 1919. Many people were working towards helping women gain the same rights as men in the United States which is a very big change. 

Giacomo Balla's Speeding Automobile

Umberto Boccioni's Simultaneous Visions


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Final Self Portrait.SydneyBoyd


Charlee Successful/Unsuccessful



Picking Flowers (1875)

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

This painting is successful to me because the color palette is pleasing and the brushstrokes are very loose and tiny which I like. I also like how this painting looks almost like a dream.


The Red Armchair (1931)

Pablo Picasso

I personally don't really like this painting. I wouldn't necessarily call in unsuccessful but I just find it uncomfortable for some reason and boring.

Charlee Impressionism



This painting is the Cliffs at Etretat by Claude Monet in 1886. This art movement, taking place from the 1860s-1920s, was based on capturing a moment based on the artist's feelings rather than a realistic approach. This style emphasizes loose brushstrokes and focuses on lighting. The artists of this time wanted to rebel against traditional ways of painting. Some notable artists from this period were Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Henri Matisse, and many more. The Franco-Prussian War and the renovation of Paris after the war influenced many artists to turn to impressionism to paint moments/feelings.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Reid Shields Portrait Final


Helen Qi Fauvism Research

Portrait of Madame Matisse, Henri Matisse (1905)

Fauvism | Definition, Art, & Facts | Britannica

Fauvism uses bright colors applied to the canvas to create emotion and shock the audience. Fauve art was first displayed in 1905 and the critics were shocked and one called them "fauves" or wild beast. Henri Matisse was one of the "leaders" of the movement and he came to this style after experimenting with post impressionism styles. Andre Derain and Maurice de Vlaminck were also famous fauvists. This period lasted from 1905-1910 because Cubism later became popular again for the structure of nature. 

Franco-Prussian war ended in 1870s. Period of rebuilding and modernization in France.

World War One started in 1914.

Helen Qi Food Progress


Kusha Successful/Unsuccessful Paintings

 One painting that I believe is successful is "CafĂ© Terrace at Night" by Vincent van Gogh, the painting was painted in 1888. I believe that this painting is successful because there is a lot of movement throughout the piece and there is an accentuation on the cafe itself, and overall it is just pleasing to look at. I feel like the little lines that make up the painting draw your eyes towards the cafe and so does the light in the actual cafe.

One painting that I feel is hard to appreciate is "Girl Before a Mirror" by Picasso, the painting was painted in 1932. I feel this painting hard to appreciate because of how much is going on in the painting. Picasso successfully achieved an abstract nature in his painting, but personally, the painting looked too busy in my eyes. It was a little hard to comprehend what was going on, which is kind of the point of abstract paintings, So in a sense, it was successful but unsuccessful for me. 

Successful and harder to appreciate painting

 Discovery of Borneo cave paintings unveils oldest figurative art — Quartz

Borneo Cave Painting (40,000 years ago) Unknown

I feel that although it is incredible that someone could paint something on a cave 40,000 years ago without  the materials we currently have, this painting is harder to appreciate than other paintings. The painting does not technically incorporate many of the elements and principles of art. However, the painting is still expressive and depicts the culture 40,000 years ago. I do not think the painting is unsuccessful, it might just be harder to appreciate than a more modern painting. 

Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge (y1972-15)

Water Lillies and Japanese Bridge, Claude Monet (1899)

I feel that this painting is very successful and easier to appreciate than the cave painting because the scene of the Lillies and the bridge by itself as a photo could have been a very appealing photo to people. Monet also clearly uses the elements and principles of art to create his painting.

Successful and Nonsuccessful Paintings


Claude Monet, Impression, Sunrise 1874

This painting is very successful because of the brush stroke and method of painting. It isn't super detailed but perfect enough to where you know what message the picture sends.


Van Gogh’s, Entrance to a Quarry


This painting seems unsuccessful to me because Van Gogh never finished it. When it was painted he was delusional and wasn't thinking about what colors go with which object therefore he was never able to finish it because he died. 

Avery's successful/not successful paintings

 Successful Painting: I believe this painting below is successful because it is pleasing to the eye. My definition of a successful painting was one that was colorful which this one is, and it makes me want to take a closer look because it looks so realistic. I can tell it took time with the accuracy and dimensions created with the mountains and trees in the back.

Elk Herd In Aspen Grove Painting
By: Gary Kim
July 10th, 2014.

Unsuccessful Painting: I believe this painting is unsuccessful because personally I do not enjoy the lack of colors it has. I think it is a very well done painting and I can tell there was a lot of effort put into it, but the lack of color makes it feel bland and wouldn't stand out to me in a crowd like the painting above would.

Life is dance in the rain 
 by Adrian Borda 
March 16th, 2016.

Successful/Unsuccessful painting

Saturn Devouring His Son, by Francisco Goya from 1819–1823. I think this is a successful painting because it evokes emotions and it defiantly catches the audiences attention. Once you see it you kind of want to examine it more just to understand whats going on. 

Cowboy, by Ellsworth Kelly from 1958. I think this painting is harder to appreciate. Its not interesting or eye-catching, and it doesn't evoke any kind of emotion (at least from me). It looks really simple but for some reason it's extremely valuable.

Janki's unsuccessful/successful paintings

 1. Post a photo of a painting you believe to be successful, and one that you find challenging to appreciate or feel is unsuccessful. Your examples can be from any time in art history. In your post, make sure to include the name of the artist who created the pieces, the title of the painting, and the date it was created. 2. Explain your reasoning and opinion, using specific examples of the formalor visual qualities present in the pieces to help strengthen or justify your opinion. You may want to refer back to the definition you posted last week that outlined the criteria that must exist for a work of art to be considered “good” or successful.
Unsuccessful Painting

Artist: Picasso

I think this painting is unsuccessful because it doesn't please my eye and doesn't seem to have any meaning. A successful painting to me is something that pleases the viewer and has a deeper meaning and message, all of which this painting does not have in my opinion. Picasso is a fabulous painter but this painting in particular doesn't seem to be one of his good works.

Successful painting

Artist: John Constable
Year: 1821

This is a successful painting to me because it pleases my eye and my interest in nature. I believe it reaches the requirements i have for a successful painting because it is a depiction of everyday life at a house in a rural area. This painting is a landscape painting from the romanticism period where nature was valued the most. 

Carina's paintings that were successful/unsuccessful

 One of the most successful paintings in art history would be Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci from 1503-1519.  This is a great painting because it feels like real life, you feel like Mona Lisa, in the painting, is coming out kind of.  The lines are sharp which allows thee person too bee the main focus of the painting.

One painting that I found unsuccessful or not as good was the Graffiti King by Jean Michel Basquiat in 1977.  I feel like this was unsuccessful because it is a bit unorganized and confusing.  I feel like everything mixes together a little bit and when I first looked at it, I didn't know what was happening and was a bit confused.  

Sarah Successful & Unsuccessful Paintings





I do like this painting. I think he does a beautiful job using abstract views to capture the stars. 




I don't like this painting because it is depressing. It gives off a weird vibe. I prefer more colorful paintings. 

Maggie successful/unsuccessful painting

 Like the painting I showed last week I think the painting "Ophelia" by John Millais from 1851 is what I think is successful. The painting is so interesting, and you can find something new/unique about it every time you look at it, like the different colors of the flowers around her or the expression on her face. You can also see the amount of effort put into it, as there are many tiny details expressed in it. One painting I find challenging to appreciate is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503. I can see why so many people like it, but it is hard to see why it is regarded as one of the most famous paintings ever, because it is just a woman smiling. I feel like this painting lacks substance, while the other is very interesting.


Maggie Turner final portrait


Avery's Final Portrait


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Maggie Response

 I think what makes a good and successful painting is the amount of effort you put into it. If you have worked hard on it and devoted your time, I think that is what makes you successful instead of having the most perfect almost realistic looking painting. Your taste and your drive are what makes paintings stand out from others and look special, so that is what I think a successful painting is.

Kusha food pics


Maggie Food items


Carina's 3 Food Photos


Janki's 3 food items


Detweiler final